Monday, January 10, 2011

Random Update

Sadly, my Batman Arkham Asylum figures have now been backordered until March. When pre-ordered them in August, they were scheduled for release for this month. Hubby moved my saved up allowance money into the account to cover the coast at the beginning of the month. When I hadn't heard anything from them, I got online to look at my order. I read it online, but I had to call them. Yes, sadly, they have been delayed until March. *sigh* I was really looking forward to putting them on my figure shelves. Another couple of months dreaming about it, I suppose.

Even though that was a disappointment, I used some of my saved up allowance and bought these shoes!! They ROCK!!! I've been eyeballing a pair of similar shoes @ Tuk Shoes w/ kitties on the toe instead, but I never got around to buying them. But these little beauties kept calling to me! So . . . yeah love



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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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