Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Snow Clouds and Eclipse

The snow started coming down this morning. However, just yesterday, it was raining all night long. It wasn't cold enough to freeze, so the snow is rather interesting. When Juneau woke me up this morning, I stepped out of the sliding door and was greeted by snow coming into my shoe. Walking out of the garage, another surprise was waiting for me: Mid-calf deep snow. Sadly, the cloud cover for this system was over us all evening, and I missed the full lunar eclipse. The next time one is to take place on the winter solstice will be around 2400!

Snow clung until June, our summer lasted maybe a month, and fall extended into the beginning of November. A few snow showers and ground cover showed up around Halloween, but it didn't stay until mid-November. The last several weeks have been promising snow, but we've been "blessed" with mid-40s or so. I say "blessed" because the lateness of the winter could either cause serious forest first this summer, or it will extend our snow like this past Jan-June.

Most of the day I have been surfing around the internet. I stumbled across some awesome tutorials to make vector graphics in Adobe Illustrator and PhotoShop. In between getting excited and pumped to try it, I have been reading the 3rd book in the Percy Jackson series. Since this is a kick-back-and-relax week, I have decided to finish the series this week. I admit, that is a lot of cozy time curled in warm blankets. You will never see me complain about that, especially looking outside!



Losing It said...

Love this blog lay out!

sinn said...

It totally rocks!! I got it from A Blog to Brag About (http://www.ablogtobragabout.com/). She has some really awesome free blogger templates. Here is another url with links to other free templates (http://beautifulblogdesigns.com/free-templates/) if you're interested ^_~

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"If you’re a freak like me, Wave your flag! If you’re a freak like me, Get off your ass! It’s our time now, To let it all hang out!" I am a recovering English major, closet bibliophile, breve addicted, zombie lover with a rockabilly and heavy metal fetish.
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